Publications 論文

Ilyas, A., Utsumi, S. (in press) Utilization of a wide range of exotic plant species by an exotic, Solidago-specialist aphid, Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum. Annals of the Entomological Society of America

Uno, H., Utsumi, S., Morita, K., Kishida, O., Alam, Md. K., Negishi, J. (in press) Hydrological connectivity and local environment alternately drive spatial structure of floodplain aquatic community across season. Ecology and Evolution

Fang, Y., Zeng, R., Makoto, K., Utsumi, S. (2024) Post-landslide interactive effects of plant facilitation and rill erosion on tree seedling colonization toward restoration. Forest Ecology and Management

Makoto, K., Utsumi, S., Zeng R., Mamiya, W., Miyazaki, T., Okuyama, T., Tanaka, F., Yamada, T., Yoshida, T. (2024) Which native legume or non-legume nitrogen-fixing tree is more efficient in restoring post-landslide forests along an environmental gradient. Forest Ecology and Management

Ishiguro, T., Johnson, T.J.M., Utsumi, S. (2024) Urban spatial heterogeneity shapes the evolution of an antiherbivore defense trait and its genes in white clover. Oikos

The Herbivory Variability Network (including Utsumi, S.) (2023) Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory.Science 382: 679-683

Furusawa, J., Makoto, K., Utsumi, S. (2023) A large-scale field experiment of artificially caused landslides with replications revealed the response of the ground-dwelling beetle community to landslides. Ecology and Evolution 13, e9939.

内海俊介 (2023) 植物に関わる地上部と地下部の生物群集と群集遺伝学. 「木本植物の被食防衛ー変動環境下でゆらぐ植食者との関係(小池・塩尻・中村・鎌田編)」共立出版

門脇 浩明, 山道 真人, 内海 俊介 (2023) ミッテルバッハ・マギル 群集生態学. 丸善出版

Santangelo, J., Ando, Y., Utsumi, S. et al. (2022) Global urbanization environmental change drives adaptation in white clover. Science 375: 1275-1281

Kucho, K. Tobita, H., Utsumi, S., Uchiumi, T., Yamanak, T. (2022) Biology of actinorhizal symbiosis from genomics to ecology: the 20th International Meeting on Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants. Journal of Forest Research 27: 96-99

Uno, H., Yokoi, M., Fukushima, K., Kanno, Y., Kishida, O., Mamiya, W., Sakai, R., & Utsumi, S. (2022) Spatially variable hydrological and biological processes shape diverse post-flood aquatic communities. Freshwater Biology 67: 549-563

Fitzgerald, K.A., Haworth, M.R., Bestgen, K.R., Farrell, C.J., Utsumi, S., Kishida, O., Uno, H., Kanno, Y. (2021) Hatch timing of two subarctic salmonids in a stream network estimated by otolith increments. Fisheries Management and Ecology 28: 507– 515

Hino, T., Kanno, Y., Abe, S., Abe, T., Enoki, T., Hirao, T., Hiura, T., Hoshizaki, K., Ida, H., Ishida, K., Maki, M., Masaki, T., Naoe, S., Noguchi, M., Otani, T., Sato, T., Sakimoto, M., Sakio, H., Takagi, M., Takashima, A., Tokuchi, N., Utsumi, S., Hidaka, A., Nakamura, M. (2021) Assessing insect herbivory on broadleaf canopy trees at 19 natural forest sites across Japan. Ecological Research 36: 562– 572

Kanno, Y., Harris, A. C., Kishida, O., Utsumi, S., Uno, H. (2021). Complex effects of body length and condition on within-tributary movement and emigration in stream salmonids. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 31: 317-329

門脇 浩明, 山道 真人, 深野 祐也, 石塚 航, 三村 真紀子, 西廣 淳, 横溝 裕行, 内海 俊介 (2020) 進化を考慮した保全生態学の確立と生態系管理に向けて. 保全生態学研究 25: 221-234

Kagiya, S., Utsumi, S. (2020) Spatial heterogeneity in genetic diversity and composition of bacterial symbionts in a single host species population. Plant and Soil 452: 513-527

Meguro, N., Kishida, O., Utsumi, S., Niwa, S., Igarashi, S., Kozuka, C., Naniwa, A., Sato, T. (2020) Host phenologies and the life history of horsehair worms (Nematomorpha, Gordiida) in a mountain stream in northern Japan. Ecological Research 35: 482-493

Sakata, Y., Utsumi, S., Craig, T., Itami, J., Ikemoto, M., Ohgushi, T. (2020) Environmentally triggered variability in the genetic variance-covariance of herbivory resistance of an exotic plant Solidago altissima. Ecology and Evolution 10: 3103-3111

Kanno, Y., Yui, N., Sakai, R., Yabuhara, Y., Miyazaki T., Utsumi, S., Kishida, O., Uno H. (2020) A multi-state mark-recapture approach to characterize stream fish movement at multiple spatial scale. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 77: 1090-1100

鍵谷進乃介, 内海俊介 (2020) 昆虫群集を予測する樹木の種内変異. New Entomologist 69: 48-61

内海俊介 (2019) 進化から群集へ、群集から進化へ.「遺伝子・多様性・循環の科学:生態学の領域融合へ(門脇・立木編)」京都大学学術出版会 17-50pp

Terada, C., Kwon. T., Kazahari, N., Kishida, O., Utsumi, S. (2019) Long-term fauna and flora records of the experimental forests of the Forest Research Station of Hokkaido University, Japan. Ecological Research 34: 349-349

Sakata, Y.,Craig, T., Itami, J., Ikemoto, M., Utsumi, S., Ohgushi, T. (2018) Evolutionary and environmental effects on the geographical adaptation of herbivory resistance in native and introduced Solidago altissima populations. Evolutionary Ecology 32: 547-559

Kagiya, S., Yasugi, M. Kudoh, H., Nagano, A-J., Utsumi, S. (2018) Does genomic variation in a foundation species predict arthropod community structure in a riparian forest? Molecular Ecology 27: 1284-1295

内海俊介, 中村誠宏「動物-植物相互作用調査法」共立出版 生態学フィールド調査法シリーズ8

Ikemoto, M., Ida, T-Y., Utsumi, S., Ohgushi, T. (2017) Community-wide impacts of early season herbivory on flower visitors on tall goldenrod. Ecological Entomology 42: 164-172

Ando, Y., Utsumi, S., Ohgushi, T. (2017) Aphid as a network creator for the plant-associated arthropod community and its consequence for plant reproductive success. Functional Ecology 31: 632-641

Utsumi, S. (2015) Feeding evolution of a herbivore influences an arthropod community through plants: implications for plant-mediated eco-evolutionary feedback loop. Journal of Ecology 103: 829-839

Sota, T., Kagata, H., Ando, Y., Utsumi, S., Osono, T. (2014) Species Diversity and Community Structure: Novel Patterns and Processes in Plants, Insects, and Fungi. Springer Briefs in Biology

Utsumi, S. (2013) Evolutionary community ecology of plant-associated arthropods in terrestrial ecosystems. Ecological Research 28: 359-371

Utsumi, S., Ando, Y., Roininen, H., Takahashi, J., Ohgushi, T. (2013) Herbivore community promotes trait evolution in a leaf beetle via induced plant response. Ecology Letters 16: 362-370

Ando, Y., Utsumi, S., Ohgushi, T. (2011) Community-wide impact of an exotic aphid on introduced tall goldenrod. Ecological Entomology 35: 643-653

Utsumi, S., Ando, Y., Craig, T.P., Ohgushi, T. (2011) Plant genotypic diversity increases population size of a herbivorous insect. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 3108-3115

Utsumi S., Ando, Y., Ohgushi, T. (2011) Evolutionary consequence of indirect interactions among insect herbivores through herbivore-induced plant regrowth. Journal of Plant Interactions 6: 171-172

Ando, Y., Utsumi, S., Craig, T.P., Itami, J., Ohgushi, T. (2011) How are arthropod communities organized on an introduced plant Solidago altissima? Journal of Plant Interactions 6: 169-170

Craig, T.P., Itami, J., Ohgushi, T., Ando, Y., Utsumi, S. (2011) Bridges and barriers to herbivory resulting from host plant genotypic variation. Journal of Plant Interactions 6: 141-145

Ohgushi, T., Ando, Y., Utsumi, S., Craig, T.P. (2011) Indirect interaction webs on tall goldenrod: community consequences of herbivore-induced phenotypes and genetic variation of plants. Jounral of Plant Interactions 6: 147-150

Utsumi, S. (2011) Eco-evolutionary dynamics in herbivorous insect communities mediated by induced plant responses. Population Ecology 53: 23-34

Utsumi, S., Ando, Y., Miki, T. (2010) Linkages among trait-mediated indirect effects: a new framework for the indirect interaction web. Population Ecology 52: 485-497

Ando, Y., Utsumi, S., Ohgushi, T. (2010) Community structure of insect herbivores on an introduced and a native Solidago plants in Japan. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 136: 174-183

Utsumi, S., Kishida, O., Ohgushi, T. (2010) Trait-mediated indirect interactions in ecological communities. Population Ecology 52: 457-459

Utsumi, S., Ohgushi, T. (2009) Community-wide impacts of herbivore-induced plant regrowth on arthropods in a multi-willow species system. Oikos 118: 1805-1815

Utsumi, S., Ando, Y., Ohgushi, T. (2009) Evolution of feeding preference in a leaf beetle: the importance of phenotypic plasticity of a host plant. Ecology Letters 12: 920-929

Utsumi, S., Nakamura, M., Ohgushi, T. (2009) Community consequences of herbivore-induced bottom-up trophic cascades: the importance of resource heterogeneity. Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 953-963

Utsumi, S., Ohgushi, T. (2008) Host plant variation in plant-mediated indirect effects: moth boring-induced susceptibility of willows to a specialist leaf beetle. Ecological Entomology 33: 250-260

Utsumi, S., Ohgushi, T. (2007) Plant regrowth response to a stem-boring insect: a swift moth-willow system. Population Ecology 49: 241-248

Nakamura, M., Utsumi, S., Miki, T., Ohgushi, T. (2005) Flood initiates bottom-up cascades in a tri-trophic system: host plant regrowth increases densities of a leaf beetle and its predators. Journal of Animal Ecology 74: 683-691


内海俊介 (2021) 北海道で新たなフィールド研究を開拓する. 個体群生態学会会報 78: 41-44

内海俊介 (2019) 昆虫群集における進化群集生態学ー北海道の河畔林を舞台にー. 昆虫と自然 54: 38-41

小塚力, 吉田俊也, 内海俊介, 坂井励, 平野裕也, 間宮渉, 守田英明, 山ノ内誠, 森林技能職員 (2017) 階段地拵え地の更新状況について. 北方森林保全技術 34: 1-5

中路達郎, 岸田治, 内海俊介, 福澤加里部, 伊藤悠也, 間宮春大, 芦谷大太郎, 上浦達哉 (2017) 北大研究林の強みを活かした教育研究の充実に向けて. 北方森林保全技術 34: 1-5

内海俊介, 山尾僚, 鈴木美季, 塩尻かおり, 入谷亮介 (2016) メタ解析から探る, 植物ー動物間相互作用研究の新展開 (1). 日本生態学会関東地区会会報 64: 9-12

内海俊介 (2012) 森と湖の国で、虫と植物の知られざる関係を探る~フィンランド調査紀行~ 個体群生態学会会報 69: 18-23

内海俊介 (2006) 「日本生態学会のめざすところ」はどこ? 日本生態学会誌 56: 200-203